So, on the way back from Odense the other weekend, we filled out a survey about the study tour, and there was this quiz-type thing (for fun!) with just questions about Denmark -- and they told us whoever got the most right, would win a prize. So I filled it out. And I won. This:

"When is it appropriate to wear this?" I asked my friend Kathryn.
"ALL THE TIME," she answered.

Other recent happenings: Wednesday was the field study to Roskilde Cathedral, where all the royals for hundreds of years have been buried. It was pretty cool! But also really weird, because there are coffins and such which have remains in them about three feet away from you, and then you also walk over all these different tombs which are in the floor. But, on the whole, very pretty and interesting. Made the first jaunt on the trains here too, which was kind of confusing because I didn't know how to get anywhere, so I was just following along, and then if the people I was following didn't know what was up, it was crazy.
The host family made it back yesterday from Norway, with some delays because they ended up having to take a bus to Oslo and get a flight, as the airport they were supposed to fly out of was experiencing heavy snow.
Friday night I went out to dinner with Kathryn, Caitlin, and Anna, and then we hung out at Caitlin's for awhile before Kathryn came here and stayed the night, as she lives over an hour away and it was late, she wouldn't have made it home due to the bus/train schedules until after 2 in the morning.
Today, it snowed like all day. I was ten minutes late for my first class because the buses were running late and there was traffic, ugh. But, I survived another Monday, and the week only gets easier from here.
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